Mental Health and Community in Schools
The Mental Health and Community in Schools Liaison is responsible for coordinating and facilitating mental health services for students and staff. The Liaison collaborates with school staff, parents, and community mental health providers to ensure appropriate services are provided and to promote a positive school climate. The Liaison also facilitates communication across secondary schools and Community in Schools partners.
Areas of Focus
Assessment and identification of students with mental health needs
Individual and small group intervention and support
Collaboration and coordination of services between schools, families, and community agencies
Providing education and training to school staff regarding mental health
Building additional capacity for expansion of the Community in Schools partnership
Virginia Department of Education Resources
Behavioral Health & Instructional Support
Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator
Growing Up Drug Free: A Parent's Guide to Prevention
Instructional Strategies for Increasing Protective Factors
Preventing & Reducing Youth Substance Misuse
Prevention Strategies & Programs
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Social Emotional Learning Resource Library
Virginia Community School Framework
Other Resources
Community Approach to Learning Mindfully (CALM)
National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments - Climate Surveys
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports Toolkit
School Health Assessment and Performance Evaluation System (SHAPE)
Teen Mental Health Resources - Society for Adolescent Health & Medicine
Charika Carter
Mental Health and Community in Schools Liaison
(434) 799-6400, x318