Parent and Family Engagement
Parent Letter
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Title I is an integral part of the instructional program in the Danville Public Schools and we recognize and are committed to providing students with additional instruction and assistance in reaching state and national standards. Focusing on early identification and intervention, additional instruction is provided to students in the areas of reading and/or math.
All six of Danville’s elementary schools serve grades K-5, both middle schools serve grades 6-8, as well as George Washington High School and R.I.S.E. Academy. All ten schools will implement a Title I Schoolwide Program during the 2023-2024 school year. Services are available to all students for overall school improvement. The goal of schoolwide programs will be to improve teaching and learning to enable Title I participants to meet the challenging State performance standards that all children are expected to master. Title I services focus on the implementation of high-yield, evidence-based strategies, effective responses to intervention as well as tiered and differentiated instruction to meet the needs of the students served. To improve high school graduation rates, Title I will support monitoring the progress of all students, and proactively intervening when students show early signs of attendance, behavior, or academic areas of concern and engaging students with supplemental curricula and programs that connect schoolwork with college and career success.
The goal of family engagement in Title I is to promote the inclusion of families as stakeholders in their children’s educational experiences. Families are provided opportunities to be involved in various school related activities that will help them assist their children to be successful. These opportunities also help families in making shared decisions about their children’s education and well-being. In an effort to connect the home and school and boost academic success of our students, the following opportunities for family engagement are made available:
- offering parenting seminars and workshops;
- checking out materials from each school’s Family Resource Center;
- participating in school based activities;
- attending Family Literacy classes; and
- visiting classrooms and conferencing with teachers.
In addition, a Parent & Family Advisory Committee (PFAC) is established at each school which is comprised of a group of parents, families, teachers, and the school administrator(s).
Danville Public Schools believes that when families and schools work together to support student learning, we are building a firm foundation for academic success.
If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please feel free to contact the Title I Office staff at 434.799.6400.
Mrs. Catiia G. Greene
Director of Federal Title Programs and Instructional Support
Title I and Family Engagement
In order for schools to establish strong family engagement models and plan effective best practices, strategies, trainings and family engagement initiatives, there must be coordination between the school, community, families, and students. Information is provided to guide schools in establishing effective family engagement models that will address the needs of the school, foster family involvement, and increase student academic achievement.
Parents and families are critical to the success of Title I students. Danville's parent and family engagement program has many facets.
A note about terminology: Danville Public Schools recognizes that with the changing dynamics of today's world, what constitutes a family has changed. When we use the terms parental involvement/engagement, we include any adult who is responsible for the care of children and helping them achieve educational excellence.
Opportunities for Engagement
Throughout the school year, families of Title I students will have many opportunities to be a part of their child’s Title I experiences. Parents and families can help their children reach higher levels of reading success by being actively involved in their reading experience. Below is a list of parent and family engagement opportunities. Families are invited to take part in as many ways as possible.
- All elementary and middle schools as well as RISE Academy and George Washington High School receive Title I services and have Title I Parent & Family Advisory Councils. The Title I Parent & Family Advisory Council meetings are open to all parents and families. School principals may be contacted if you wish to participate on the council.
- An annual meeting will be held in the fall at each school receiving services to inform parents about Title I services and answer questions. Please try to attend this important meeting.
- School newsletters will contain articles about Title I activities in the school.
- Throughout the year, each school’s Title I Parent Liaison will visit homes on a referral basis, send parents activity calendars and parenting information, and offer workshops and parenting seminars as needed.
- Each school’s Title I Family Resource Center has an extensive variety of materials that parents may check out to use at home with their children.
- Each school’s Title I Parent Liaison will provide Title I parents with family literacy opportunities to include adult continuing education, technology, and career development.
- A survey will be sent to parents near the end of the year to get feedback about the Title I program.
- Each Title I school will develop and implement a plan for engaging Title I parents. Please look for activities in which you can participate.
For more information about how you can become actively involved in the learning process, contact your child’s principal.