Students should experience science the way scientists and engineers do.
Talk like a scientist!
Scientists share their ideas with other scientists so
they can learn more.
Scientists communicate their ideas so they can
understand the world better.
When scientists talk, they often make arguments... but that’s a
good thing!
Natural Sciences:
- Grades K-5 – General Science
- Grade 6 – General Science
- Grade 7 – Life Science
- Grade 8 – Physical Science
- Environmental Science
- Earth Science
- Biology
- Biology II
- Chemistry
Promote an interest in science by:
- Visiting a science center
- Visit a zoo
- Visit an aquarium
- Garden or grow something
- Build, take apart, and repair things
- Spent time in nature
- Watch science programming
- Read a book on scientific topics that interest you
Dr. Mariska A. Cadogon
Coordinator - Science, Health & P.E.
(434) 799-6400, ext. 291
Brittany W. Scott
STEM Specialist
(434) 799-6400, ext. 291