Business and Community Partnerships
Danville Public Schools values business and community partnerships. Partnerships bring the business or community organization together with the schools, students, and staff to provide opportunities and experiences that benefit not only the students and teachers but also the entire community. The mission of Danville Public Schools is to inspire, educate, and develop students, in collaboration with families and the community, to ensure students graduate college and/or career ready. Partnerships help with achieving this mission.
Importance of Partners
Partnerships are vital in providing our students with the best education, opportunities, and resources possible. It is the responsibility of the schools and the community to ensure our students receive a quality education. Students are our future. A partnership will benefit not only the school but the community as a whole by helping to develop students to be career and/or college ready.
How to get Involved
- Volunteer to be a mentor through Junior Achievement or the reading mentor program
- Adopt a School
- Sponsor a school, grade level, team, or field trip
- Offer an internship or work-based learning opportunity
- Set up a scholarship
- Donate gifts and prizes
- Donate supplies
- Hold a fundraiser
- Donate towards Teacher Appreciation Week, Back to School supplies or supplies for teachers to use in their classroom, or professional development opportunities
For more information, call or email Megan Smith. Danville Public Schools would love to partner with you!
(434) 799-6400 ext. 249
Megan Smith
Coordinator of Business Partnerships
Director, Danville Public Schools Education Foundation